TrendSource Press Releases

Top 5 Considerations for Choosing an OnSite Inspection Company

Written by trendsourceuser | 26 June

TrendSource OnSite Inspections began in the physical OnSite Inspection industry, and has grown to be represented in over 10 different OnSite Inspection industries, including property assessments, various areas for compliance, and I-9 verifications. The TrendSource OnSite Inspection Team is a group of innovators who are consistently assessing new areas to leverage the extensive network of Inspectors and processes that provide value for the ever-changing needs of today’s markets.

Victoria Hyzer, co-chair of the NAPBS Provider Committee and Senior Account Manager with TrendSource, breaks down the top 5 considerations for choosing an OnSite Inspection company:

  • Consideration # 1: Bureau-Approved Inspection Questionnaires and Processes
  • Consideration # 2: Security
  • Consideration # 3: Turnaround Time
  • Consideration # 4: Price
  • Consideration # 5: Lack of Inspector Professionalism

For the complete blog post, click here.