Many industries have seen rapid change over the last 25 years and market research is one of those. Changes in technology, the advent of big data, and the amount of information available to consumers today have all contributed to the current state of market research and data collection. So what has been TrendSource’s recipe for success through this time? In honor of this milestone achievement and to help answer this question, interviews were conducted with Rodney Moll (Founder and Chairman of the Board) and Jim Caltrider (CEO) to reflect on where TrendSource has come from, how they have evolved, and where they are going in the future.
What is TrendSource’s biggest strength as a company?
Rodney Moll: Our ability as a company to self-actualize. We have the uncanny ability to face the truth, to actually look at where we are today and say here’s where we are, then focus our energy on being better than that every day. It’s a timeless skill that we can employ as individuals, it’s something we can apply as an organization and I think it’s one of the greatest strengths of our culture. It goes back to our ability to find people that understand that quality is a matter of integrity and their willingness to make critical self-assessment and virtue and value-based decisions when the time comes.
Jim Caltrider: There is a rare passion for what we do among the people at TrendSource. There are a lot of jobs in our industry. There are a lot of jobs in analytics. But I think that here at TrendSource there’s a strong belief in who we are and what we can do, a belief in the benefit we can deliver and why we’re really better than other options clients have. I think there’s more of that here than any place I’ve ever been.
What are you most proud of when you think of TrendSource?
Rodney Moll: Going from two guys in a garage, to a business with policies, procedures, and systems, to a company run by executives, to finally an organization run by executives reporting to a board. Every one of those steps is profoundly difficult, particularly from the seat of the Founder. It’s profoundly difficult to go from one stage to the other. To be at the stage we are today, means that we have a chance of becoming an enduring company, which is my goal for TrendSource.
What are some ways TrendSource can continue to improve as an organization?
Jim Caltrider: I believe we will continue to be challenged by rapid growth. That’s a problem that a lot of people wish for. Over the last three years or so, our average growth rate has been over 20%. That’s good news that comes at a cost. The good news is that it creates a lot of opportunity for the organization, and the individuals that are here, to grow and take on new responsibilities. To learn new things. The other side of the challenge is that growth can be costly. And so growing on a sustained basis in the kind of business we’re in means we never get to settle down. I’m hopeful and expect that we’re going to continue to face that challenge. It’s my intention. To make plans and find people that want to grow and want to take on that challenge.
How have the technological advances of the last 25 years affected TrendSource?
Jim Caltrider: We’ve had to learn new things, and challenge ourselves to utilize new technologies. Some have been really effective, while others didn’t work out as well. Obviously, 25 years is a long time. 25 years ago information collection, analysis and delivery to clients was profoundly different.
The Future of TrendSource
TrendSource has developed multiple mobile applications over the last few years. These range from data collection methodologies for Field Agents to gathering preferences, perception and experience information from consumers in fun and interactive ways. Recently, they launched aAmplify, a new mobile market research solution that, at a fraction of the cost of typical solutions, captures customer satisfaction and service delivery insights from loyal customers while interacting with brands via mobile devices.
As evidenced by these innovations, TrendSource is dedicated to entering the next 25 years with the same fervor and creativity as they have displayed in the first quarter century. Dedicated to continually evolving themselves and maintaining a leadership position in their market, they are positioned to make a significant impact on the future of market research.
To hear the full interview, click here.