The value of creating an OnSite Inspections-specific website became apparent as TrendSource’s OSI service offerings and reporting capabilities expanded. TrendSource OnSite Inspections began with Physical OnSite Inspections in the consumer reporting industry, and has since expanded into over 10 different OnSite Inspection services, including property assessments, various areas for compliance, and I-9 verifications.
“Companies preparing for an OnSite Inspection would Google search TrendSource to inquire about Inspectors before they enter their place of business and/or their home,” says Victoria Hyzer, co-chair of the NAPBS Provider Committee and Senior Account Manager with TrendSource. “Often times there was confusion as to why someone from a market research company would be performing the OnSite Inspection. This website provides the desired clarification of who we are and what we do, supplying professional comfort to our clients.”
The new website features organized navigation that clearly directs visitors to the information that is relevant to them including TrendSource’s history, the components that make TrendSource OnSite Inspections the best in the business, information about the seven different types of inspections TrendSource offers (with specific explanatory scenarios where each inspection type would be needed), and testimonials from several trusted clients.
The new website also features direct, easy-to-access links to TrendSource’s two other branded websites: TrendSource Trusted Insight (for market research needs and services) and MSI Services (for Field Agents).
The TrendSource OnSite Inspection Team is a group of innovators who are consistently assessing new areas to leverage the extensive network of Inspectors and processes that provide value for the ever-changing needs of today’s markets. Through the development of new tools and products, like the TrendSource OnSite Inspections website, TrendSource is able to stay at the forefront of industry trends and client needs.