Consumer Insight Studies and Industry Reports - Trusted Insight

2018 Retail Industry Report

Written by TrendSource | December 06, 2018

TrendSource’s 2018 Retail Industry Report is grounded in an analysis of the omnichannel faultlines across retail, particularly the tensions between in-store and online.

When both foot and online traffic are at a premium, we wanted to know, what draws consumers into stores in a world where it requires increasingly less effort to simply order items through a series of taps in an app? How do shoppers want to experience brick-and-mortar v. digital stores? How can digital vendors close in the experiential gaps brick-and-mortar still enjoys and how can brick-and-mortar emphasize these experiences to compete with the convenience online offers?

Report highlights include:

  • Which types of stores—from warehouses and superstores to boutiques and discount stores—are most frequently shopped online v in-store
  • A deep dive into the rise of secondhand shopping
  • An exploration of the “sip ‘n’ click” (aka intoxicated shopping) phenomenon as well as wardrobing and show rooming.
  • An answer to the question, “Is retail therapy really a thing?
  • Generational, income, gender, and sexual orientation segmentations
  • Much, much more!