With the ever-changing landscape of technology, the increase in mobile-friendly capabilities introduces even more opportunities for gathering this type of data. TrendSource is able to improve accuracy, geocode, integrate media, and support intelligent questioning which enables the branching off of specific question responses. These benefits
Market Research Company Details Customer Intercepts Mobile Solution
Topics: Market Research, Mobile, Customer Intercepts, Data Collection
TrendSource OnSite Inspections began in the physical OnSite Inspection industry, and has grown to be represented in over 10 different OnSite Inspection industries, including property assessments, various areas for compliance, and I-9 verifications. The TrendSource OnSite Inspection Team is a group of innovators who are
Topics: OnSite Inspections, Market Research, Compliance, Property Assessments, I-9 verification
Retail’s BIG Show has become the go-to resource for industry professionals from around the world to see and experience everything and anything that is Retail. The four day event in New York City provided innovative education and unparalleled networking opportunities.
The most intriguing conference topic for
Topics: Mobile, Analytics, Social Media, Convergence, Big Data, Retail, Digital Technology, NRF
Shopper Insights Suggests Consumers Spent More Than Anticipated On Gifts During Holiday Season
Pre-Holiday Study
To help retailers navigate the complexities of the holiday shopping experience and keep pace with today’s multi-device, omni-channel consumer, TrendSource conducted the first part of what has now become an annual two-part shopper insights research study during the holiday season. The pre-holiday study was
Topics: Consumer Insights, Consumer Research, Shopper Insights, Holiday Shopping, Secret Shopping
Medicare Compliance Programs Deliver Highest Ever Audit Completion Numbers for AEP 2014
This year’s Annual Election Period (AEP) provided thousands of eligible seniors (55+) the opportunity to earn extra income by participating in Medicare marketing surveillance programs conducted for insurance companies. These secret shoppers – or mystery shoppers – remain instrumental in helping Medicare insurers detect prohibited
Topics: Health Care, AEP, Compliance Audits, Health Care Compliance, Marketing Audit