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Why CMS Audits Require an Experienced Compliance Partner

We are well into AEP 2022, and TrendSource has been working round the clock to help our Medicare Supplement Provider clients monitor their compliance with CMS regulations. This month alone, TrendSource Field Agents will be completing more than 1,500 CMS Call Center Audits, to say nothing of formal and informal events as well as 1:1 appointments.

And, not to toot our own compliance horn, but we are quite good at this—it’s what we do! TrendSource has the experience and infrastructure to rapidly complete and report CMS Compliance Audits across multiple sales rep touchpoints.

Frankly, it’s not easy, and that’s where TrendSource’s experience really comes to bear. Take CMS Phone Call Audits, for example. Callers must convincingly represent themselves as Medicare-eligible consumers interested in general and specific information regarding Medicare Supplement plans.

cms aep 2022 call center compliance audit

To do this, they can’t immediately jump into asking a series of pre-canned questions—that’s a dead giveaway. Nor can they demonstrate too great or too small a knowledge base about Medicare and CMS regulations. They must be curious about general plan information, they must have legitimate questions, and must follow Audit protocols to ensure the sales agent follows CMS rules.

TrendSource CMS Compliance Audits

TrendSource rapidly and reliably completes CMS Compliance Audits year-round but, during AEP, we kick it into overdrive.

How do we do it? Well, it starts with the best Field Agent database in the country, from where experienced CMS Mystery Shoppers can be tapped to perform phone and in-person CMS Compliance Audits.

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Since TrendSource operates CMS Compliance Audits year-round, we have a deep pool of experience Field Agents who know how to represent themselves in Audits and how to complete their reports accurately and efficiently.

From there, the TrendSource QA team reviews audits to ensure they are complete and accurate, following up with the Field Agent to clarify any issues before reporting the Audit to the client.

It’s a trusted, proven process that TrendSource has used for over a decade of CMS Compliance Audits.

Learn More About CMS Compliance Audits

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