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How to Order In-Person I-9 Verifications for Remote Workers

TrendSource has the right product for the right time.

Long ago, it developed a system for I-9 Verifications for Remote Workers. Of course, nobody needed this service during the pandemic, when DHS temporarily paused the in-person requirements for I-9 Verifications.

But now, as DHS has gone back to requiring in-person verification for all New Hires, remote or otherwise, Remote I-9 Verifications are all anybody is talking about.

We understand that people have a lot of questions about how the process works, so, below, we are going to outline how companies can order Remote I-9 Verifications and the simple process that unfolds once an order is made.

In-Person Verifications for Remote Workers

order in person verifications for remote workers

To begin the process, new customers provide their business email address (sorry, no orders from @gmail.com) to onboard themselves into TrendSource’s online platform. From this environment, clients can place orders as well as monitor order status and view completed verifications.

Once registered, customers may order all the I-9 Verifications they need in one convenient location. With TrendSource’s proprietary and nation-spanning network of Field Agents, I-9 Verifications can be completed anywhere in the United States that a company’s remote New Hire may live.

Here’s how it works:

  1. After registering, a customer purchases an I-9 Verification using a credit card; at the time of purchase, they are asked to provide the contact information for the New Hire.
  2. TrendSource then reaches out to the New Hire via email and prompts them to log into TrendSource’s platform to complete Section 1 of the I-9 Verification online.
  3. After completing Section 1, the New Hire chooses a public space to complete the in-person portion (Section 2), as well as potential meeting times.
  4. TrendSource then assigns a Field Agent near the New Hire to complete Section 2 in-person. The Field Agent chooses an appointment time and place from those provided by the New Hire.
  5. The New Hire receives an email confirming the appointment’s location, date, and time. They also are provided with an electronic copy of the Field Agent’s badge and photo to easily identify them when they meet.
  6. At the appointment, the Field Agent completes Section 2 with the New Hire on TrendSource’s electronic I-9 platform and takes photos of all of the necessary documents.
  7. Once Section 2 is complete and QC’ed by TrendSource’s in-house review team, the employer can immediately access it in their client dashboard.

remote i9 verification in person requirements

TrendSource built this process from the ground up to be cost-effective and convenient for all parties involved, including employers, New Hires, and TrendSource Field Agents.

TrendSource is an ideal partner for outsourcing employment eligibility verification.

With the right product for the right time, and the industry experience to get it right the first time, TrendSource Remote I-9 Verifications are having their moment in the compliance sun.

Order Remote I-9 Verifications + E-Verify

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