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TrendSource I-9 Reverifications: What Happens When Employees Can’t Use the Same Identification?

TrendSource I-9 Reverifications are quick and easy, helping companies meet the August 31 deadline to reverify in-person all employees remotely verified between 2020 and 2023.

Clients simply send over the original I-9 Verification (via api or .pdf), a TrendSource Field Agent meets with the employee and verifies their identification matches the one used on their original verification. Simple.

But, for several different reasons—and none of them fraud related—the employee may not be able to use the same identification they used for their original, remote I-9 Verification.

In these cases, companies and their HR teams rightly want to know, what happens when the employee can’t use the same ID they used for their original verification?

I-9 reverification passport identification

Reasons Why the Employee May Not Be Able to Use the Same ID for Reverification

There are a few reasons an employee may not use the same ID for I-9 reverification as they used for their original, remote I-9 verification.

First, and most simply: the ID may have expired. Whether a Driver's License, a state ID, a passport, or any other form of expirable identification, we all must renew and update our identification documents. It’s just a part of life.

Second, the employee may simply have lost the original form of identification. It happens to all of us. Sometimes you misplace it, sometimes you accidentally flush it down the toilet, but the result is the same: the original identification document cannot be used for the I-9 reverification.

Third, the employee may choose to use a different form of identification. They may choose this for whatever darn reason they want. Perhaps the old identification no longer corresponds to their gender identity, perhaps they got a new passport and are just really excited to use it instead of their boring driver’s license. Whatever the reason, choosing their identification documents as they see fit is absolutely and entirely their right.

i-9 reverification drivers license identification

So, for any or all these reasons, some employees will not be using the same ID as they used for their original, remote I-9 Verification.

How TrendSource Handles I-9 Reverifications

In any of these cases, so long as the employee has an acceptable form(s) of ID as required by DHS, the TrendSource Field Agent can quickly pivot to completing a new I-9 Verification (instead of a Reverification) on the spot.

This is a huge differentiator for TrendSource’s I-9 Verification and Reverifications. So long as the employee comes prepared with valid and acceptable form(s) of ID, nobody is sent home to regroup, there is no need to reorder.

If the reverification doesn’t go according to plan, TrendSource simply completes a new Section 2 for the employee on the spot for the same cost, on the same platform. Either way, the employee leaves the meeting verified, and both processes are entirely compliant with DHS in-person requirements.

Learn more about TrendSource I-9 Reverifications.

Order Remote I-9 Verifications + E-Verify

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